No mail will go out until February 10 due to Latin America tour. All orders until today have shipped. Apologies for the delay and thanks for the support.
Decayed “Nockthurnaal” LP out now
Fourth full length chapter of one the oldest Portuguese infernal horde still active today – now for the first time ever on vinyl LP. Over 40 minutes of traditional total poserdestroying black metal of death. We made sure this vinyl record sounds like evil storming and annihilating all things symphonic. Fanatics of Possessed, Bathory, Celtic Frost and Venom need not to hesitate. Limited edition of 200 hand numbered copies on black vinyl only. Comes with big 12×24″ inlay with lyrics, photos, etc. Co-release with Metal Soldiers Records.
20 Years of Heimdalls Wacht – A call to all Wächter

HEIMDALLS WACHT will be playing a special set with your picks to celebrate 20 years of Westphalian battle hymns.
01.03 Gelenau (sold out in 4 hours)
18-19.07 Boarstream Open Air (last tickets available)
21-23.08 Wolfszeit Festival
+ more shows will be announced soon!
It has been 20 years since the first recording of Heimdalls Wacht saw the light of day: Westfälischer Schlachtenlärm. For 20 years, we have shared our ideals, visions, and emotions with surprisingly many people who value them and contribute to our drive. For that, we want to say THANK YOU! The complete separation between band and audience never existed. Above all, we want to give our true fans the opportunity to determine the anniversary setlist for the upcoming year 2025. All the Heimdalls Wacht songs that we should have played long ago – all the Heimdalls Wacht songs that have always meant something to you… you can let us know here. Just send a short email with the songs you want us to play to:
Simply write your song requests without much formality. The address will be active until January 3, 2025, after which it will be deactivated. But maybe you also feel like writing more? Over the years, we have repeatedly heard intense stories about the significance of Heimdalls Wacht – our songs, our lyrics, encounters with us, or specific moments on stage – very personal stories that often move us deeply. That’s how it should be; that’s why we exist. Share them with us! We want to hear them all! We also keep seeing interesting tattoos, custom patches, shirts, graphics, pictures… Share them with us! You surely know that we do not have any social media channels. Therefore, please make sure that the people this call should reach actually see it. Share it, repost it, publish it, forward it… We are counting on you!
We would also like to thank the co-founders of Heimdalls Wacht, who built and significantly shaped the band for over a decade: Narhemoth and Feuerriese!
In the year of our anniversary, we want to realize a series of projects and perform on stage more often than ever before. A number of concerts and festivals are already confirmed or close to agreement – others are additionally in negotiation. There has never been a greater chance to see us on stage. In January, we will release the “tour dates.” Some dates are still available, so if you want to bring us to your stage, you can send your request here:
We look forward to hearing from the Wächter family – may this be a memorable anniversary year!
Saruman on behalf of Heimdalls Wacht
Perdition Temple + Omegavortex tour
Perdition Temple + Omegavortex | Malign Extremists Offensive | Central Europe 2024
US death metal storm Perdition Temple will tour Europe for the first time. Emerging after the demise of Angelcorpse, Perdition Temple is total death metal annihilation and features all the trademark Gene Palubicki riffs and solos, though shifted up a few gears in terms of brutality and riffing onslaught. With Ron Parmer (Malevolent Creation) delivering precise bombardments of blasts and Alex Blume (Ares Kingdom) on vocals and demolishing death-bass this is a legendary lineup of Florida death metal. Four albums have been released on Osmose / Hells Headbangers and new material will be presented on tour!
The paranormal Omegavortex, whirlwind of uncontrolled chaos is summoned from a black hole for their first European tour. With shows confirmed worldwide, this will be a rare opportunity to witness the barbaric, all-destructive, ultra-aggressive brutality on their own continent. Expect traditional death metal riffs in the style of old Morbid Angel and Necrovore, performed with the intensity of Revenge and Angelcorpse, and produced with a devastating sound like Bestial Warlust and Sadistik Exekution – yet in their own unique style!
25-10 DE Dresden – Chemiefabrik
26-10 PL Warsaw – Odessa
27-10 PL Poznan – Pod Minogą
28-10 PL Katowice – Piąty Dom
30-10 CZ Prague – Modrá Vopice
31-10 CH Siebnen – District 28
01-11 IT Erba – Centrale Rock Pub
02-11 FR Paris – Winter Rising Festival
03-11 BE Kortrijk – DVG Club

Anu / Set split LP and Bortglömd MC out now
Anu / Set – Eternal obscurity / Dominus profanum (split LP): Obscure USBM and elite death metal split. Two cult EPs finally out on vinyl LP. Extremely limited edition.
Bortglömd – Haunting calls (MC): Isolationist black / doom metal. Recorded in the Swedish snow clad forests in hate for humanity. Stripped down, introvert and pure black metal like a mix of Hädanfärd and Austere / Woods Of Desolation.
Cultus / Pest new split + Pest LPs out now
Cultus / Pest – “Werelden ten onder / The ancient sleep” split LP – new material from both bands. Originally scheduled as the 200th Heidens Hart release in its 25th year of existence. Delayed by some years, but finally out now;
Pest – “Schwarze Visionen” MLP – The classic and weird 1998 demo on vinyl. Original audio, original artwork;
Pest – “Vado mori” LP – Amazing album of German black metal with hysterical voices. Lots of tracks on this album that grew out to become classics for the band;
Pest – “Tenebris obortis” LP – The own style of riffs and structures that were present since the debut demo further evolved into more chaos and fury.
Heimdalls Wacht EP + shirts out now
Out now: Heimdalls Wacht “Ursprung” MCD. In 2009, Heimdalls Wacht did a split with Heervader and Winterlieke. The split CD sold out instantly and the lengthy track “Threnos” became a favourite song for many people. Except on a limited compilation tape, the track was not reissued due to various reasons. The song marked a part of what was to be come three pieces of a puzzle that should be seen as a whole, with the two other parts released on later albums. Now the circle is complete and it’s time to bring them together. These songs are very important and even quintessential pieces of art for Heimdalls Wacht. After years of requests, we decided to unite the three “Ursprung” songs together on one release. The listener may know the other two parts appeared on “Ut de graute olle Tied – Deel II” and “Mystagogie”. All tracks are now compiled and united on this “Ursprung” EP.
Also available again on t-shirt and girlie: the Logo/Rune in dark grey on black.
Omegavortex new t-shirts out now
Front print only. B&C E190 cotton. Printed in Germany.
Out now: Todesstoß – Vergängnisse digipack CD
Compilation of the “Eine verlorene Seele” debut album, “Endlose Suche” demo plus other material from the first era of Todesstoß. Unique historical German black metal material: disturbing, hysterical and surreal. Comes in 6-panel digipack with 20-page booklet featuring all exclusive original artwork, in-depth liner notes, all lyrics in German and English, photos and more.
Drevorod and Drunemeton new albums out now!
Some of my favourite pagan black metal albums released last year are Gromoverzh, Theudho, Rites Of Tara, Slavland, Wojnar, Diabolical Fullmoon. Let’s continue those standards and start 2024 with two anticipated full lengths in the genre. Two albums that can both be described as pagan black metal though they do not sound alike at all.
Drunemeton – “Tir Nan Og“. Highly recommended to fans of Graveland, Bathory and Ancestors Blood. OUT NOW!
Drevorod – “Anthems of Soil and Stars“. Highly recommended to fans of Drudkh, Temnozor and Nokturnal Mortum. OUT NOW!