Annwfyn – Zicht MCD


This is not post rock, not acoustic folk, not shoegaze, not progressive; it is impossible to put in any category. Yet it is a bit of everything, fused together in a hypnotic musical journey into thoughts. This 5 track EP is the debut from this Dutch project has over 35 minutes playing time, containing atmospheric music, build with layers and layers of melodic acoustic and electric (bass)guitars, drums, percussion and synthesizers, supplemented with spoken, screamed and whispered words and choirs. An extensive list of instruments, all carefully crafted into a unique and very diverse mix of cacophonic sounds, soothing ambient, contrarian rhythms with technical breaks; all merged into a higly atmospheric piece. The CD is self-produced and financed by its creator in its entirety, so be sure to support them and give these tracks a listen!

Listen to this album on:
Spotify | Bandcamp

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