Kaleidoscope – vol. 1 (book)


Issues 1 – 5 compiled in one book
A4 print, 196 pages
Digital print on 90grs IOR paper
255grs CLA soft cover binding with matte finish

“From Fall to Winter”

Collected works 2005-2013 vol. 1, compiled by A Klemi.


– Agalloch, The Gault, Conjuration, Mephisto, Pest, Verge, Todesstob, Nuit Noir

– Kill, Nocturnal Graves, IC Rex, The Syre, Bone Awl, Morbosidad, Necros Christos, report on Ireland Undetground

– Forgotten Woods, Toil, Hateful Abandon, Slidhr, Primal Dawn, Thralldom

– Amesoeurs, Current 93, Hypothermia, Grippiud, Primordial, Alcest, Blasphemophagher, Arkha Sva, Ride For Revenge, Secrets Of the Moon

– Trelldom, Drowned, Incantattion, Ash Pool. SOL, Ramesses, Coffins, Denouncement Pyre, Four Riders of Black Death Doom

A dedicated work reflecting our young fire within Underground, back in early 2000’s

…The first five issues in this first part, and two parts more coming later.

I cut all the review pages off because I think that they wouldn’t bring anything new to the picture, as some useless filler pages. But to compensate the loss, you will get four additional interviews to read and digest in the last part. I hope these leave a good taste in your mouth in the end.

Although eight years may sound like a relatively short period of time, the lifeline of Kaleidoscope magazine looks like a long, long journey in my eyes. Some dark moments, some bright moments, some lessons learnt, some regrets, some glimpses of satisfaction… What matters in the end? I hope all my little deeds have sown some seeds that will grow and resonate in the minds of the readers at some point. As mentioned before, this has all been just a small ring in this massive chain (mail?) of art, but that will do. Art is all that matters, even if it’s just one young dude’s scribbles in his lonely cabin.

A. Klemi, 2022

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